Sunday, March 8, 2009

araak attack

hello to all,
We've just reached civilization again after spending a week on the quiet and lovely island of Lembongan. We headed there after spending a week in Bingin, which we all absolutely loved. We ended up renting scooters once Ali joined us and toured the southern tip of Bali via scoots. Robyn was of course a natural speed demon, but those who know her would quickly see that scooting, and the no rules roads of Bali suited her well. Michelle on the other hand was a much slower, but much safer driver. The frisch's ended up holding on for dear life to the end of the scooters for dear life. We met some pretty interesting people our first week, and loved our "home" but were ready to see more of Bali. A few different people had mentioned how beautiful and peaceful Lembongan was so we decided to give it a try. The trip started off a bit rough in the form of a two hour boat ride on some pretty choppy waters, but once we landed we all realized it was worth it. The island let us get our fair share of sun, swimming, and snorkeling in before we headed back into the center of Bali... and that's where we're all now, in the lovely town of Ubud. Immediately upon arriving we loved Ubud and can't wait to fully explore its wonders in the next few days. The computers at the Internet cafe are kinda slow, but we'll try to put some pictures up in the very near future. All of us are well,but as expected by many Liz already has her fair share of scrapes and bruises from her lack of balance and knowing how to walk.


  1. Sounds like everything is going great. Why is Michelle driving like an old lady? Is the food you are eating americanized or are you eating some real crazy things? Put up some pictures so we can see the cool stuff you are experiencing. We think about you daily and are glad you are having a blast. love, father hen

  2. Thanks for the update. We love hearing about your adventures. Keep us posted on the weather, your favorite experiences, and what surprised you the most. Thank you Liz for this great blog. Love to all Nancy

  3. Liz: So glad to read about your safe arrival and the tranquility of mind's eye picture even makes me relax. ENJOY ENJOY Love, E, M, B and C

  4. so fun! I'm glad to read you are all having such a great time.
